AmigaActive (554/2143)

From:Robbin Van Ooy
Date:6 May 2000 at 15:51:49
Subject:Re: Warp3D flickering

At 06-May-00, Robbin Van Ooy said something about
[amigactive] Warp3D flickering, resulting in this reply.

>So, all help is appreciated :)

How about this, put setpatch BEFORE the Bvision monitor file is activated
and everything will run fine!

Yes, its me, replying to my own mails once again :)

It works, it flies, its backed up and its amazing.

QuakePPC does 22+fps
Wipeout does 18 with ease (visibility +6)
Voxelspace ran for one hour without a single crash at 90+fps

This machine seriously ROCKS!

In other words: I'm back :) Did I miss anything?

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